How to obtain the desired color
A particular color is defined by three aspects that define it: tone/hue, saturation, and value.
Tone, is the quality of the color. It defines the color's position in the color wheel: green, blue, violet, yellow, and so on. Changing the tone or hue describes the direction in which the color goes in the wheel, making it bluer, redder, more orange...
Saturation, describes the intensity of the color. A saturated color does not have any presence whatsoever of either its complement or black. It is a pure color. on the other hand, when the chromatic intensity is reduced, we say that the resulting color is neutral. A neutral color is a passive color that has a grayer tone, which is created by mixing a color with its complement.
Value, defines the degree of luminosity. White is added to make a color lighter without changing its tone, and black, or its complement, to make it darker.
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