Monday, August 15, 2011

Project #011. Simple Succulent Art

Simple Succulent Art

Succulent plants offer a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. They are easy to manage and give your home or office space an instant natural green art. By using succulent to an art project could result an amazing effect. And it could be very fun tough.

I will show you a simple project step by step below:

Graptoveria Succulent Plant

Things You’ll Need:

Succulent plant, 2” plastic container with good drainage, Ceramic pot/mug/bowl that big enough to fix 2” plastic container, Soil mixture, Stone/sea glass/gravel/marbles for top dressing.


1.     Mix the soil. Succulents grow in mineral-rich soil, but not in pure sand. Soil should be porous and quick draining. Add ¼ to ½ coarse sand, crush lava rock or perlite to your potting mix for porosity and aeration.

2.    Cover the drainage hole at the bottom of the plastic container with a piece of plastic screen or coffee filter, to prevent soil from escaping through the hole.

3.    Fill the plastic container with ¼ soil mixture. Place the succulent in the center of the container, and fill the surrounding with soil mixture. Be sure to position the plant so the foliage extends outward.

4.    Now, place the plastic container in the ceramic mug.

5.    Sprinkle a thin layer of crush rock over the top of the soil for decoration effect. Make sure the crush rock covered the edge of the plastic container.

6.    You have just made yourself a wonderful house/office plant. Yeah~


WATER: Allow soil to dry between thorough watering. Do not mist spray plants as this practice encourages shallow roots and weak plants.

FEED: Little fertilizer is needed. Once every month.

LIGHT: Not all succulents are sun-lovers, but non do well in subdued light. Place them near the west window is a great idea to give them a morning “sun bath”. For best result, give them 5 hours of direct morning sun daily outdoor. Avoid direct sun from midday sun.


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